On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, you wrote:

> > Doesn't gmc do FTP?
> Well, what I really look for is something with 
Tree-based file-system view (long filanes get to be a pain
on text-based FTP), and a QUE functionality, wherby I can
add a ton of files from anywhere to a QUE, then transfer
them.  For small stuff I still and probably always will
just use the text-based ftp program.  However, the industry
(their are people out there who are GUI only that might
want to use a little linux) still doesn't have a perfect
GUI ftp client yet, although GFTP is 70% there, if not 90%
there, all it really needs is a QUE functionality like
Cute-FTP, and maybe a MP3 file search like Cute-FTP, and
that would be 100% what the industry needs................
Two things -- 1) long messages with no line breaks SUCK! :-)
(Just my $0.02)
2) Have you LOOKED for a GUI FTP client lately? I've taken
a look at a couple, and I *know* there's a ton of 'em at

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