On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 07:04:38AM -0600, Eric Aksomitis wrote:
-> > 
-> > What is a "good FTP client"? Does it have to be a WIMP-type program? I find
-> > ncftp to be pretty damn nice. But it doesn't use the mouse or have a fancy
-> > graphical layout.
-> > 
-> > Doesn't gmc do FTP?
-> Well, what I really look for is something with Tree-based file-system view (long 
filanes get to be a pain on text-based FTP), and a QUE functionality, wherby I can add 
a ton of files from anywhere to a QUE, then transfer them.  For small stuff I still 
and probably always will just use the text-based ftp program.  However, the industry 
(their are people out there who are GUI only that might want to use a little linux) 
still doesn't have a perfect GUI ftp client yet, although GFTP is 70% there, if not 
90% there, all it really needs is a QUE functionality like Cute-FTP, and maybe a MP3 
file search like Cute-FTP, and that would be 100% what the industry 

ncftp has tab completion of file names, which helps a lot. It also has
background get and put and continuation of a disupted transfer, both of
which are very nice.


                -- C^2

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