Pj wrote:
> Mandrake I want..

1) Netscape to use my windows directory so I can read mail from either OS (when I 
contract in some Access Work, I can't pick my OS, and there's no good FTP client for 
Linux, like Cute-FTP, not to mention the win-modem thing)

2) On an install / upgrade, all I'd really want in an upgrade is a chance to choose 
amongst saving all the more common settings (users , home directory settings for root, 
apache settings, mysql settings etc..) everything else can be Wiped and re-installed, 
it's easier and generally less problem-prone, IMHO

3) A semi-Gui or full-Gui kernel re-compile script / program.

4**) More push from Mandrake to get win-modem drivers for their distro, even binaries.

Eric Aksomitis


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