On Sun, 2002-06-02 at 21:42, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> Sevatio,
> I couldn't agree with you more. This is the "Great Secret" that
> Micro$oft, Symantec, and many other big software companies, work so hard
> to keep secret. Just consider what they stand to lose, in revenue, if
> more people understood how Linux protects them against so many of the
> everyday exploits that MicroThrash is prone to. 

I read this over and over again.  People saying - move to Linux, move to
Linux.  But have you ever thought that many of the Linux users run as
root because they are too lazy to enter the root password when needed
and complain about not having (now they have) an autologin option? 
Think a minute about all those guys who pretend to be admins and still
run Apache 1.3.12 or whatever came with their old distribution even if
the upgrade is painless and it takes less clicks than a Windoze
install.  If you don't believe me check the guys who run Win2k.. and see
how many give the admin rights to their "regular" account... and this is
not because of some weird setting, it is for installing and running
apps... apps like virii and trojans.

Now, sit tight, and think a minute about how much more vulnerable and
how much more damage can a Linux box do compared with a Windoze Home
Edition.  I've seen over the time all the ports opened.  And the firwall
still requires some strong voodoo, at least this is how the majority
thinks.  With telnet and ftp active, with an exploit, and all the
building tools installed a Linux in the hands of a script kiddy can
really create some problems, far bigger than that mail overflow provoked
by scripts like Melissa.  Also keep in mind that while Windoze doesn't
give you all the networking tools, while Windoze doesn't give you any
development tool besides windoze scripting host (in case you can
consider that a development tool), while Windoze has a "typical"
install, Linux has "install all".  And with the nowadays hard drives,
every moron can click on install all, because... after all... nobody
teaches them what they need and what they have to have.  Everybody says
"install that and that and that, than find whichever you like and
eventually uninstall the others".

That's about all I had to say.

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