Charlie grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> How old is that burner? Mine is a circa 1998 Mitsumi CR-4804 TE; and
> it not only will burn 700 MB disks, but the download edition of 9.0
> I'm using now was burned on 90 minute disks. cdrecord sees it as
> "apparently a Phillips..." Installed easily with only the usual brain
> f@rt$ on my part. :-) Late at night/early morning ya know. 

It's over a year old, though I can't say exactly *how* old - a HP CD-Witer 
Plus 8100i.  The thing burns CD-RWs at 2X speed and CD-Rs at 4X.

> I'm not trying to be obnoxious Dave but the reason (I think, maybe,
> possibly) that my CD-RW works and yours doesn't under the
> circumstances, is that I upgraded the firmware back when 700 MB CDs
> started becoming commonplace. Is there a firmware update for your
> burner? The original specs for mine claimed 650 MB maximum too. I went
> looking on Google, found the update, installed it and never had a
> problem since. 
> Please have a look at the relevant manufacturer's site for revisions
> before you have any more trouble. The updated firmware for my burner
> was specifically for newer media. As in larger. Under Windows of
> course. 

That's a good suggestion and I'm glad you made it.  It never occurred to me 
that this might be fixable by way of a firmware update.  I just went 
through the nightmare that's HP's website and HP's phone (lack of) support, 
and found that the only firmware update I can get to on their site is for 
version 1.0g - which, unfortunately, my Windows device manager properties 
page shows is already *in* the burner.  No one I talked to at HP support 
was able to help me in any way, and because the burner is old enough to be 
out of warranty now, I'd have to pay $25 to talk to a "real" tech.  And I 
refuse to fork over $25 just to have a tech tell me that there's no other 
firmware available.  From what I can find at HP's website, it doesn't look 
like they noticed that that model can't handle the larger media.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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