boo_lives wrote:
> "joe" and his partner, who does have a 
> plumbing license, collectively took in 
> $120,000 last year, joe got $40,000.  
Non sequitur.

> How exactly does Joe plan to buy out 
> his superior without any startup capital 
> (he owes back taxes) and without whom he 
> is not allowed to work as a plumber since
> he is unlicensed and start netting 
> $250,000 per year??  
Non sequitur.

> The guy's a fake.  
Let's just stick to the facts. Obama went 
to see the plumber, Joe. Senator Obama was 
presented a question by Joe:

"I'm getting ready to buy a company that 
makes about 250, 270 - 80 thousand dollars 
a year, your new tax plan is going to tax 
me more isn't it? I'm getting taxed more 
and more for fulfilling the American dream." 
- Joe the Plumber

> of course a $40,000 per year worker does 
> better under obama's tax plan than under 
> mccains. 
$40,000 a year is better than $250,000 a
year, with a 3% increase in payroll, tax is
better? This doesn't even make any sense.

> It has nothing to do with "redistribution 
> of wealth", 
Senator Obama said he wanted 'spread the
wealth around', that means increase the 
payroll taxes and redistribute the tax 
revenue to others. 

But for what reason would Obama want to
increase the payroll tax? 

What were you thinking that the payroll tax 
goes to support the war effort? If so, then 
that's outrageous!

> which refers to welfare and social security 
> and such programs. The greatest redistribution 
> of wealth in the history of the US has just 
> taken place in the past 8 yrs - never before 
> in US history, even in 1929, has wealth been 
> so concentrated in the upper 5%.  Changing 
> the tax code per obama would just move things 
> back to where they've been for most of US 
> history.  Notice how the economy does during 
> periods of extreme wealth concentration, as 
> in 1929 and now.  US economic success has to
> do with middle class rising to upper middle 
> class and entrepreneurs rising to millionaire 
> status, not those with $100 million rising to
> $1 billion.
This doesn not answer the question posed by Joe
the Plumber.

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