The L-Curve

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "boo_lives" <boo_lives@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Hugo" <richardhughes103@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > <snip>
> > > > And I also think that the more you earn the more tax you should
> > > > pay, Joe already earns $250,000, how much more do you need?
> > > 
> > > Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
> > > of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
> > > the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
> > > 
> > > Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
> > > what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
> > > $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
> > > 
> > > What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
> > > managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
> > > works for, and *if* that business ends up making
> > > over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
> > > taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
> > > Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
> > > more tax than he would under McCain's.
> > > 
> > > (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)
> > >
> > "joe" and his partner, who does have a plumbing license,
> > collectively took in $120,000 last year, joe got $40,000.
> > How exactly does Joe plan to buy out his superior without
> > any startup capital (he owes back taxes) and without whom
> > he is not allowed to work as a plumber since he is
> > unlicensed and start netting $250,000 per year??  The
> > guy's a fake.
> He's an unrealistic dreamer, maybe, but not a fake.
> He never said he was going to buy the business
> *tomorrow*. In other interviews, he acknowledged
> that it would probably take him awhile to get
> capital together and that he wouldn't be able to
> buy the business all at once (he may have some
> agreement with the guy who owns it now to buy in
> gradually).
>   of course a $40,000 per year worker does better under obama's
> > tax plan than under mccains.
> He never said otherwise.
> > It has nothing to do with "redistribution of wealth" which
> > refers to welfare and social security and such programs.
> Which may be why I didn't use that term, don'cha think?
> I used *Obama's* phrase--clearly audible on the video--
> "spreading the wealth around."
>   The greatest
> > redistribution of wealth in the history of the US has just
> > taken place in the past 8 yrs - never before in US history,
> > even in 1929, has wealth been so concentrated in the upper
> > 5%.  Changing the tax code per obama would just move things
> > back to where they've been for most of US history.  Notice
> > how the economy does during periods of extreme wealth 
> > concentration, as in 1929 and now.  US economic success has
> > to do with middle class rising to upper middle class and
> > entrepreneurs rising to millionaire status, not those with
> > $100 million rising to $1 billion.
> You're preaching to the choir if you're addressing me.

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