> I've stayed out of this jyotish test question, but what I'd offer up  
> as evidence that Jyotish is an actual "consciousness-based" reality  
> that can determine physical outcomes is that one or more of the non- 
> believers, say Curtis or Barry or whoever who wants to have their  
> limits stretched, should have a Jyotish reading done by Yogi Karvay.

I did a series of readings from some Maharishi Joitish guys as well as
Chakrapani back in the day.  They were cold readers mostly, giving
"you'll be rich someday" predictions.  So what does this guy charge? I
would love to get my lack of belief shaken if it didn't cost too much.
 His website is down www.UniversalSociety.org 

> After he does your reading, he'll initiate you into the sadhana to  
> gain the siddhi as well.

Could you do it for us?  Do you have the sidhi?  I think it is cool
that you found someone you were impressed with and would be interested
in reading about him. 


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