--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't  
> stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga  
> teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however  
> was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really  
> get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense  
> he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to  
> say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it 
> was  easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and   the 
> droning repetition made it sound "profound".

You see, the thing is, there is knower, the known and the process of knowing. 
This is very beautiful. And when you have two people each observing a thing, 
you have two knowers, two processes of knowing -- but only one thing, one 
object of knowing. This is very beautiful. What is this object of knowing? huh? 
huh? So when one person says, "the rose is red" and the other person says "the 
rose is black", then we know that there may be many truths, but only One Truth. 
You see the point? Whether the rose is red or black, is not material. (howls of 
laughter). Its not material. You see? The rose is not material. But the person 
who sees black, that may be because they are black inside. Dark. No light. And 
the person who sees the red rose is full of light inside. You see? The rose is 
the rose but each person seeing the rose, sees it in their own way. They create 
their own reality, their own level of awareness. Sometimes there is enough 
light to just see the surface value. Other times there is sufficient light to 
see the entire rose -- all of its values, from surface down to the sap, the 
quantum level of sap. Now the Ved is so profound that it sees truth in 
everything. There is truth in the man who sees black rose. And there is truth 
in the man who sees infinite value of the rose. Both are true according to 
their own level of awareness, the level of light they have inside, and shine 
onto the process of knowing. Yous see? Its very beautiful. So the Ved sees from 
the level of Brahman. The Ved sees the wholeness of life. The complete 
wholeness. Even the man who sees the rose in full light, who sees the infinite 
value of the rose, is still not the full truth. Ved shines Its light, and the 
whole thing is revealed. You see. Its so profound, so profound  this very 
simple knowledge from our tradition of masters. It is not a complicated thing, 
its the most simple thing. the most simple, relaxed thing on the entire 
universe. So the man who sees the rose is black, we don't say "you are black 
inside". No we smile and say, "yes, that is part of the truth. very good. You 
are getting part of the truth." Now if this man who sees black, this man in 
darkness,  then if he takes his awareness to the level of the Ved, then 
instantly, as fast as light travels, he will see the total truth. the whole 
truth. the wholeness. So we invite the man who sees dark to just dive deep into 
that fundamental level of the Ved -- and all his darkness and grumbling will go 
away. Like darkness in a room. It does not exist. Its gone once the light is 
turned on. You see? Its very beautiful. We celebrate the man who sees only 
blackness, only darkness, the blindman, we see the blindman as part of the Ved. 
And when we take our awareness to the level of Brahm, the level of the Ved, 
then we see the totality of the man in darkness. Darkness is a reflection of 
the Ved. Light is a reflection of the Ved. Together, they are what Ved Sees. 
When Knower, Object, and Process of Knowing become one. Become One on the 
Unified Field of Awareness. Then the man in darkness just disappears. You see 
the point?


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