--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> *Should* it never happen again? Sure.
> Will it? Of course.
> *Should* race never have been an issue
> with Obama? Sure.
> Was it? Of course.

Nope, non sequitur, sorry. Obama was not the
subject of racist attacks in the mainstream
media and the lefty blogs, or from prominent

No comparison.

> He was a strong enough candidate to 
> transcend race, and thus set the stage for 
> race not being an issue in a presidential 
> election ever again. 
> Hillary was *not* a strong enough candidate
> to transcend her gender, and thus she did
> not do the same for women.

Nope. Racism hasn't been acceptable as a public
position in this society for quite some time 
before this election. If that hadn't been the
case, Obama could never have won.

Sexism, however, is still acceptable as a public

No comparison.

Were there any racist attacks on Obama and his
supporters on FFL?


Were there any sexist attacks on Hillary and her
supporters on FFL?

Scores. A lot of them from you.

No comparison.

> All women who have entered politics have 
> had to face this. The ones who are in office
> don't whine about the sexism they encountered
> the way you are doing. Hell, the *losers* -- 
> often because of sexism -- don't whine about 
> it the way you are doing.

We aren't in office, nor did we lose an election.
They aren't in a position to make a stink about
what happened; we are.

> Winning helps. When a woman candidate for 
> president comes along who is strong enough 
> to transcend gender the way that Obama
> transcended race, *that* will help.

For that to happen, sexism must first, like
racism, become no longer publicly acceptable.

That isn't the case now.

It's *especially* not the case with you.

> And I'll probably vote for her.

Your not supporting Hillary didn't have a thing
to do with her not being "strong enough to
transcend gender." It had to do with *your* not
being strong enough to transcend gender.

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