--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Premanand wrote:
> > 'Knowledge is Structured in Consciousness is apparently a  
> > translation of the Sanskrit "GYaanam chetanaayaam nihitam" -
> > does anyone know where this line can be found?
> Where did you get that as the source for "Knowledge is
> structured in consciousness"?

He isn't giving a source for it, he's *asking* for one.
He provided what is purportedly the original Sanskrit,
of which it appears "Knowledge is structured in
consciousness" is a pretty straightforward English

> According to MIU documents, the origin of that phrase  
> is from a piece of Rig Veda 1.164.39:
> He who knows not the eternal
> syllable of the Veda,
> the highest point upon which
> all the Gods repose,
> what business has he with the Veda?
> Only its knowers sit
> here in peace and concord."
> The actual phrase it is from "ṛco akṣare parame vyoman".

Known to TMers as the Richo Akshare verse, but that
isn't where the phrase is from, of course.

Here's the Sanskrit:

Richo akshare parame vyoman
Yasmin deva adhivishve nisheduh
Yastanna veda kimricha karishyati
Ya ittadvidus ta ime samasate

And here's MMY's translation:

"The verses of the Ved exist in the collapse of fullness 
(the Kshara of 'A') in the transcendental field, in
which reside all the devas, the impulses of creative
intelligence, the laws of nature responsible for the
whole manifest universe. He whose awareness is not open
to this field, what can the verses accomplish for him?
Those who know this level of reality are established in
evenness, wholeness of life."

It's certainly *consistent* with "Knowledge is structured
in consciousness," but that's obviously not where the
phrase came from.

> Supposedly this is about the quantum gods of quantum
> physics.

(Vaj made this up.)

> I strongly suspect these are slogans stolen from the
> intellectual property of Devarat and Son (hereditary
> Rig Veda pundits that MMY "borrowed" a lot of ideas
> from).

And here Vaj is making no sense whatsoever. There's only
one "slogan" under consideration here, first of all.
Second, how MMY could have "stolen" something he claims
is a Vedic principle is very unclear. "Knowledge is
structured in consciousness" is not, of course, an idea
original with MMY, nor did he ever claim it was.

> MMY retranslated it based on other  
> people he was meeting at that time. Perhaps you've seen the video  
> tapes of them? At the time these buzz-phrases came about MMY was  
> meeting with numerous academics from different disciplines.

*Which* "buzz-phrases"? Again, there's only one such 
phrase at issue here. Vaj appears to have lost the
context completely.

 My guess  
> would be he got the idea for this translation

Of the Richo Akshare verse? The translation Vaj
provides above isn't the one he used.

 from hanging around  
> academics in the developmental psychology of that era.
> The idea that knowledge is based on the style of 
> consciousness you developed is NOT from the Rig Veda

Uh, yes, it is, as demonstrated by the Richo Akshare
verse (as well as its use in non-TM Vedic/Hindu/yogic

Vaj is more than usually confused and incoherent
this evening.

, it's really from developmental psychology and was  
> projected onto this famous verse.
> And then it became the motto of MIU.

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