You are sick Barry - you need some professional, psychiatric help.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:19 AM, turquoiseb <>wrote:

> **
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> >
> > When it comes to theories -- either about the "correctness"
> > of one's cherished ideas or concepts or the degree to
> > which one "holds the high ground" or "owns" one's opponents
> > in a discussion about such things, I can think of no better
> > metaphor than the one I just witnessed on my morning
> > walk with my dogs.
> >
> > Every so often they'll feel the need to stop, lift a leg,
> > and deposit their version of "Here I make my stand...this
> > is MY territory, and MY version of The Theory Of Everything"
> > on a bush or lamppost or bicycle or auto tire. They have
> > such a pleased expression on their faces as they do this,
> > similar to the expressions one imagines on the faces of
> > FFLers as they deposit *their* cherished theories on the
> > rest of us. One also senses a feeling of "completion," as
> > if by peeing on that spot they've established their
> > dominance FOREVER.
> >
> > But then I sit on a park bench and watch as other dogs
> > come by, walking their owners. Each successive dog sniffs
> > the air, senses a challenge to *their* view of Reality
> > And How It Works, and then walks over and sniffs the
> > actual pee-theory, "reading doggie email" as it were.
> > Nine times out of ten the new dogs *disagree* with the
> > first pee-theory, or with its claim of dominance, and
> > insist on presenting their own. So they lift their legs or
> > squat and present a counter-theory. The looks on their
> > faces as they do this indicate that they *also* feel as
> > if the discussion is now OVER, since they have presented
> > the Ultimate Counter-Argument, and that nothing any other
> > dog on the subject could possibly
> > override their deposit of eternal wisdom.
> >
> > And so it goes. Each successive presentation of Unified
> > Pee Theory is presented as if it's the Last Possible
> > Word On The Subject, and "proves" the canine theory-
> > holder supreme and unchallengeable. And each proves just
> > as ephemeral as the last one. Sometimes dogs with Really
> > Big Egos see other dogs daring to dispute their pee-
> > theories with an "overspray," and feel compelled to go
> > back to the same bush to reiterate their points,
> > literally lifting their legs on those who dare to
> > challenge them, and trying once more to establish
> > dominance.
> >
> > And none of it lasts any longer than the next rainstorm.
> >
> > :-)
> Extending my metaphor even further, to cover the bases
> of all the curious leg-lifting we see on Fairfield Life,
> I find myself wondering about those whose ideas are so
> poverty-stricken that they never present any of their
> own. Such people don't seem to be able to form their
> own grand theories, and are forced to borrow or steal
> them from others, and then present them as if they
> were superior to all others.
> I would suggest that folks who can never seem to come
> up with any spiritual theories other than the ones they
> read in books (written by other people) or heard from
> spiritual teachers (by definition, "other people") fall
> into this category. We never seen them coming up with
> any original ideas, only borrowed ones.
> Given my original doggie-pee metaphor, does that make
> them dogs who have to borrow pee from other dogs to
> make their points and try to establish their territorial
> dominance? :-)
> Can't you just imagine Robin running around on the end
> of his leash carrying little bottles of Aquinus pee and
> Nagel pee, pouring them on bushes and declaring with a
> loud woof, "I rule!" :-) :-) :-)

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