May I just say that you are one subtle lady there, Emilina? I mean,
between you and Emily and Raunchy I just feel like an amateur. Well and
truly. My consciousness is expanding every time I read one of these
gems. You are in a totally different league, and I mean it. I flunked
second grade so will be repeating it next year so you will just have to

--- In, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...>
> Dear Sharester, this is Emily's 44th post. Â Will you make sure she
doesn't post out? Â She does like to have the last word - we must
cure her of that. Â I, Emilina have been dispatched to attend to your
post, despite the very, very, fabulous ways that it has already been
attended to. Â I hope your sense of humor is intact. Â Emily is
still in a recuperative state, reclining on her blue velvet chaise
lounge. Â I have dispensed with the chamomile tea, however, and am
giving her brandy with lemon. Â Good for the throat, is what her
healer tells her. Â
> RE: "What's a good synonym for the word point do you think?"
> How about "spike"? Â As in "that's a good spike!" Â
> RE:Â Anyway, what was the question, what was the question...oh, yes
wts. Â Completely healed. Â November 11th. Â Yes or no. Â
Asterisks. Â Honey.
> Question *YOU* posed and I posed back to you as: Â "Do you think
there has been complete healing of wts since November 11th?" Yes
or No.
> "You know, Ravi did not sound like himself at all today. Â I did
wonder if HE might be completely healed. Â Either that or he has been
totally assimilated by the BORG. Â Buttery Omnivorous Robin Group.
> HMMMM, let me see if I can figure this out for poor Emily...... Â
Ravi. Â Healed. Â Assimilated. Â BORG. Â Yes, I get
it.....yes, he has. Â With Ravi, Sheister, the number 7 in Robin's
group (BORG, wts, who cares?) has been achieved (you did throw Feste in
there too, remember?) Â Is 7 a magic number? Â Yes or No? Â
(Whoops, I should have referred to you as Sharester..sorry...I, Emilina
have a personal definition of "sheister", but I will keep it to myself).
> So, still, "has there been a complete healing of wts since November
> Which is perfect just as it is. Â Warts and all. Â As is wts.
 As is FFL High School football lunch table in the cafeteria gang."
> Is this the long-awaited answer? Â I think this is a *YES*
(emphasis added). Â I see you included reference to the high school
football team scenario. Â Good on ya. Â I didn't want to confuse
the issue originally, but yes, I see your spike here, I do. Â
Alright, Sharester, we are getting somewhere. Â I have a *YES*. Â
Yeah!! Rah Rah Ravi!! (I am a cheerleader - you were right about that -
don't you love it when your right?")
> PS Â Your answer is in the first two sentences just above. Â You
did say I could answer with more than yes or no. Â Remember? Â
> P.S.S. Â Not to the above question, but to a prior one, yes I did.
 *BLESSINGS* and I say that with a smile as wide as Jim Carey's and
that passive-aggressive guy, what's his name? Â Compassionately,
> ________________________________
> From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 2:00 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Emily part 2
> Emily, remember when you derived so much joy from the Judy/Robin
exchange a long time back. Â I couldn't relate. Â But the humor in
that exchange was so evident to you. Â
> I hope you can appreciate the marvelous humor Share is employing here.
> Kudos Share!
> --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> >
> > EmilyBoo what does it mean when someone puts a word between
asterisks?  I've been wondering this for a long time but it
hasn't seemed truly pertinent til now.  And it sounds like you
feel entitled to a simple yes or no answer because you have spent SO
many posts on me this week.  OTOH, you say that I am healing your
karma.  See how it all balances out all by itself (-:
> >
> > BTW, speaking of stress, don't listen to those TM teachers! 
You can be totally unstressing and still be making a valid point.ÂÂ
Like when they fed us millet at every meal.  Of course people
were unstressing on that!  Only a totally zorbed out person
wouldn't!  The point is, the unstressors were making a very
valid, uh, point.  What's a good synonym for the word point do
you think?
> >
> >
> > Anyway, what was the question, what was the question...oh, yes
wts.  Completely healed.  November 11th.  Yes or
no.  Asterisks.  Honey.
> >
> > You know, Ravi did not sound like himself at all today.  I
did wonder if HE might be completely healed.  Either that or he
has been totally assimilated by the BORG.  Buttery Omnivorous
Robin Group.
> >
> > Which is perfect just as it is.  Warts and all.  As is
wts.  As is FFL High School football lunch table in the cafeteria
> >
> > PS  Your answer is in the first two sentences just
above.  You did say I could answer with more than yes or
no.  Remember?
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >Â Â From: emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:17 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Emily part 2
> >
> >
> > ÂÂ
> > Sharester, "Do you think there has been complete healing of wts
since November 11th?"  Yes or No.  It is *your*
question, honey.  No rabbit hole, just a simple yes or no will
do for me.  Now, I have spent many posts this week on you - you
are healing my karma.  I must back off of my propensity to
comment or I will post out again, and I'm not in the mood to do that
this week.  I wish you a stress-free day.
> >
> > --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> > >
> > > There was a post from wts via Ravi this morning!  So based
on that, I'd say wts is alive and kicking.  Or maybe
zorbing.  Anyway, something relevant:  when the karma is
finished, the cure appears.  Another version:  when the
karma is finished, the healer appears.  Came to mind as I've been
thinking about complete healing.  Which seems related to your wts
questions to me.  It seems that another way to ask those wts
questions is:  do I think there has been complete healing of wts
since Nov 11.  Uhoh, still a rabbit hole as Richard would
say.  Still FFL waters that can be muddied way too
quickly.  Anyway, maybe someone is completely healed. 
Time will tell.
> > >
> > > Oh, I didn't think you were contesting anything I said. 
And thanks, I got it about your not disagreeing with Judy or
Raunchy.  And yes, there's always another way to look at
> > >
> >
>  Â

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