On 17 Feb 2009 at 0:47, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> On 17 Feb 2009, at 12:24 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >  there was no reason that page
> > layout needed to be updated.
> Yes there is, as I said. You modified note values. That always  
> requires the layout to be updated. That's just how Finale works.

No, there was absolutelyl positively no reason to update the layout 
as I didn't respace the music (and don't have automatic music spacing 
turned on).

> > It was perfect as is, and none of my
> > edits were to data that would have altered the page layout (and
> > couldn't have done so, anyway, since systems were locked, with hard
> > system breaks and hard page breaks).
> So in other words, turning on Automatic Update Layout with the normal  
> settings ("preserve system locks") would not have done anything except  
> prevent this bug from biting you.

I've explained in another post why I don't like the way automatic 
update layout works -- I fear it risks file corruption.

> > On 17 Feb 2009 at 0:07, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> >> That is a classic instance of a situation
> >> that requires you to update layout.
> >
> > Why?
> So that you avoid precisely this situation.
> > This is a stupid bug.
> Agreed. But it is a known, longstanding bug that can be avoided 100%  
> of the time by leaving Automatic Update Layout on. And there is no  
> disadvantage to doing so.

>From my point of view, there *is* a possible disadvantage with a very 
bad downside.

And I've been using Finale since 1991 and never had this happen 

> > There is no excuse for printing phantom systems on phantom pages.
> Agreed. But this is also pretty much guaranteed to happen if you have  
> Automatic Update Layout off and neglect to *always* manually update  
> layout before printing.
> IMO, Finale just flat-out does not work properly without Automatic  
> Update Layout turned on. (The alternative is to always manually update  
> the layout prior to printing, which amounts to the same thing.)

When I've changed the music spacing, I *always* manually update 
layout. When I've made no such changes, there's absolutely no reason 
Finale should need the layout updated before printing.


> Seriously. Just turn it on. 

Nope -- not gonna do it.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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