On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Eric <ericd...@jazz-sax.com> wrote:
> Man, you are a moron huh? I mean, you are using Glenn beck and Bill
> O'Reilly? What purpose does bringing these people into this
> discussion?

Are you? I mean, it's one thing to have a debate about a platform and
your personal preferences, but if you wanted to raise the ante by
insulting someone, I can ramp it up too.  You brought up sales figures
on Amazon as some sort of justification of "well if it sells on
Amazon, that means I'm right." Did you miss the part where I pointed
out Apple is about 10 percent of the market, and they have and remain
a niche area in the market?

>  Whatever. I think anyone that reads your posts will see them for what
> they are.....ill-informed. Apple makes great products, and if one is
> looking for a new system they should spend money on it. Windows
> systems as well, lots of ram, etc. NOT the $300 special Mr. Clown is
> suggesting.....I mean, he knows all about stuff. He's on that Internet
> thing with the tubes. And can readily link to images of Glenn beck....

I'm sorry Mr Dipshitz' butthurt is showing because someone doesn't
worship at the altar of Steve Job or suggests an alternative you don't
like. And your continued bringing up the 300 dollar laptop is pretty
lulz- worthy too. I mentioned that as a purchase at Deal News.com as
an example of a great deal I found there, and I specifically mentioned
they list great specials on any platform or vendor.

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