On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Eric Dannewitz <ericd...@jazz-sax.com> wrote:
> I think it's funny when old people get upset. You are like what, 60,
> and you are using childish references, Glenn beck pictures, and
> O'Reily references that maybe two other people get? And ass
> references? Really?

I think it's funnier you're upset, for a guy who used personal insults
based on a list participant's name, and whining about childish antics,
well that's even funnier.

> Sales figures matter. Why would Apple be in the tops there if they
> didn't make good products? And 10% of the market is not a true figure.
> That is figuring in work machines.

No, it's based on web analytics, not sales. "Unlike determining market
share by units sold, Qauntcast measures OS share by comparing the
operating system of users via the company's "audience measurement
services," similar to statistics gathered by Net Applications. Such
usage patterns can give us a rough idea of the installed base of an OS
among end users." Those end users aren't imaginary people, or "unreal"
people. Sounds like you're the one with vision issues. *Wink wink*

> area now for whatever reason. Of course you think apple has problems
> with it's phones but again, the sales numbers don't show that at
> all......but doesn't really matter for a myopic such as yourself.
> didn't they sell something like 18 million of those phones last
> quarter?

So what, Nokia sold 107.6 million mobile devices in the first quarter of 2011.

> I never say NOT to get windows. Just don't get the $300 machine. Its
> clown-ish. Again, even D. Fenton agrees that it is stupid.

That's nice, dear.
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