On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Eric Dannewitz <ericd...@jazz-sax.com> wrote:

> Sigh.....that doesn't mean anything. That simply means How many things are
> on the net that are visiting sites that report the traffic to quantcast. It
> doesn't distinguish between say a computer used in a corporation and one
> that is being used in a home. It's flawed.

So now the argument is: sales of units and website statistics isn't
indicative of how much market share Apple has (the same figures that
stock analysts use and Apple would use in its planning(, and your
personal data from your websites trumps all of that? Come on dude,
you're going to get higher Apple users on browsers because your
websites are music related. That's like saying you manage graphic
websites and "Wow! 50 percent of my website visitors use Apples!" It's
an important market for you and your websites. It's funny that the web
browsing statistics pretty much jells with units sold.


> Smartphones? Ha....no no. Apple has surpassed them handily.....hence their
> need to partner with Microsoft. Nokia has been in decline for a while now.
> It's pretty much dead in the states, and in Europe apple Is killing them.
> http://internet2go.net/news/data-and-forecasts/idc-apple-passes-nokia-europe-q1-smartphone-sales

So you brag about a specific sales figure, I show you a considerably
bigger one for Nokia,  you go find iPhone stats for Europe, and shout
"Victory!" Nice cherry picking.

iOs has 15 percent of units sold compared to 60 plus for the others
(Symbian, Android, and Microsoft) 1Q11:

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