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On May 23, 2011, at 11:26 PM, Kim Patrick Clow <> wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Eric Dannewitz <>

No, it's based on web analytics, not sales. "Unlike determining market
share by units sold, Qauntcast measures OS share by comparing the
operating system of users via the company's "audience measurement
services," similar to statistics gathered by Net Applications. Such
usage patterns can give us a rough idea of the installed base of an OS
among end users." Those end users aren't imaginary people, or "unreal"
people. Sounds like you're the one with vision issues. *Wink wink*

Sigh.....that doesn't mean anything. That simply means How many things are
on the net that are visiting sites that report the traffic to quantcast. It
doesn't distinguish between say a computer used in a corporation and one
that is being used in a home. It's flawed.

I run several websites that are music based (which is more related to what
this discussion) and my google analytic data for the last 3 years shows more
like 55% windows 36% Mac and 9% other (Linux, mobile devices and stuff)

A better example of what people use is to go to like a NAMM show and look at
what computers are being used. It's pretty much apple laptops with a very
few PCs. Or at least it was last year. Or go to a college campus. Or a
Starbucks. For every PC I see I see three macs. At least I think they are
macs.....those are the ones that are designed well, and have the illuminated
apple right?

So what, Nokia sold 107.6 million mobile devices in the first quarter of

Smartphones? no. Apple has surpassed them handily.....hence their
need to partner with Microsoft. Nokia has been in decline for a while now.
It's pretty much dead in the states, and in Europe apple Is killing them.

I never say NOT to get windows. Just don't get the $300 machine. Its

clown-ish. Again, even D. Fenton agrees that it is stupid.

That's nice, dear.

Well, it is nice. I'd say that in regards to any purchase of anything
windows pc related, if he says avoid a $300 machine then you avoid it. One
would be wise to take his advice and spend the money on something
worthwhile......something that your not going to regret getting like 2 years

I'm done. I suggest the original poster look into either a windows machines
like David Fenton suggested or some sort of Mac and avoid the $300 special.
Spend the money. A Mac should last you a good 4 years plus. I have an iMac
from 2006 that serves well in my teaching studio running finale and ProTools
9. A wise pc purchase will also last close to this.
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