The name of the product is Windows, no need to insult the most popular software 
product in the world. No Windows, no Flex. You could say Flex is five years old 
and they are still do not have it perfect NOR SHOULD THEY. Their only 
obligation to the buyer was to have it work with the release it was sold with. 
They are not charging you for updates. 
But I bet it cost Flex plenty to make the  updates

--- On Thu, 3/25/10, Alan NV8A <> wrote:
> A prime example of the problem with
> announcing a firm release date and sticking to that even
> when the product is not ready is Windozzze. WinXP is now 9
> years old, and Micro$$$oft is still releasing fixes for
> major security problems.
> 73
> Alan NV8A


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