Per Liedman writes:
> Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > The CLOD techniques are really slick, and I've seen some cool demos.
> > However, I personally so far (and maybe something exists, I dunno)
> > have not seen anyone pull all the pieces of this together and handle
> > all the issues/needs required by a flight sim.
> Not saying it's easy, not saying it's the right way to go, and 
> *absolutely* not volunteering to code one for FGFS, but MSFS2002 
> definitely has CLOD which works for the whole globe, and yes - MSFS2002 
> *is* a flight sim ;-) It has some quite visible "pops" and isn't 
> perfect, but they achieve high frame rates and there are no real 
> problems pushing the far clip plane way out. Just proof that it *is* 
> possible, given a huge amount of well paid programmers! :-)

Does FS2002 ship with the entire world or do you need to download
portions as add ons as various 3rd party groups make them?

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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