On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Martin Spott <martin.sp...@mgras.net> wrote:
> Stuart Buchanan wrote:
>> Martin wrote:
>> > Surprisingly, if you set another weather scenario via the menu, this is
>> > going to find its proper represenation, as seen in the property
>> > browser, in the "/environment/weather-scenario" property. If I set a
>> > different scenario via the property browser, this does not have any
>> > effect on the visual representation ....  therefore I'm also unable to
>> > set a weather scenario via the
>> >
>> >   --prop:/environment/weather-scenario=METAR
>> >
>> > command line switch. TO me this looks a bit confusing to the user.
>> I think it's a bug, rather than confusing :)
> So, may I, in consequence, declare this as an open issue !?

I spotted a string comparison problem, see attached patch, that might
explain some of the oddness.
Also, add one new bug reported by Jano: even if you are using METAR
scenario, METAR updates don't affect the visuals. That is, if you fly
to another airport, or wait for the 15 minute update interval, nothing
changes even though the new values show in the property browser.

Index: src/Environment/environment_ctrl.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Environment/environment_ctrl.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -u -r1.54 environment_ctrl.cxx
--- src/Environment/environment_ctrl.cxx	6 Dec 2008 23:03:12 -0000	1.54
+++ src/Environment/environment_ctrl.cxx	13 Dec 2008 01:21:33 -0000
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
     double dewpoint;
     // If we aren't in the METAR scenario, don't attempt to interpolate.
-    if (fgGetString("/environment/weather-scenario", "METAR") != "METAR") return;
+    if (strcmp(fgGetString("/environment/weather-scenario", "METAR"), "METAR")) return;
     if (metar_loaded) {
         // Generate interpolated values between the METAR and the current
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