2011/12/14 Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
> But, the question is how many cloud drawables do we have? The render Bin
> sorting bottleneck - if we run into this - is O(log(n)*n) with the n= number
> depth sorted drawables. Which means we need to have a huge amount of cloud
> drawables that this effect dominates.

As you've seen from the code, at present, we have a cloud drawable per sprite,
where there are multiple sprites per cloud, and >1000 clouds in a
typical Cu layer.

> Ok, looking into the Cloud drawable implementation, I believe that your almost
> first response is probably the easiest. Just without point sprites, just
> improoving what is currently done:
> Try to put that multiple draws into a single draw using array objects.
> Make sure that you still get a 'fast drawable'. YOu can verify this by asking
> the geometry if osg::Geometry::areFastPathsUsed() returns true. That is
> mostly: do not use any index arrays. The only indices which may be worthwhile
> are the indexed primitives sets.
> Sorting inside the drawable is then done by either redoing the arrays or
> probably better by using an indexed primitive set and reordering the indices.

I will try this tonight. Thanks again for looking into this and
helping to point me
in the right direction.

(BTW - I think I've managed to get Impostors working though I've still to see
any performance gain)


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