On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Florian Klaempfl <flor...@freepascal.org> wrote:
> As pascal shows, something proven is often better as some hype ;)

Good answer. :)

> exactly into my picture of git being a big design failure as a general
> purpose scm: besides being a posix hack (see also file names:
> ".gitattributes") it does not help users to avoid mistakes. I admit, as

Well with all due respect, Git was designed in the beginning to solve
a problem of one specific project - the Linux Kernel. So don't you
think they were allowed to have Linux specific features in it's

Even so, now that more people start liking the idea of Git (you
excluded obviously <wink>), it is being amended to play nicer on other
platforms as well. So far they are going a great job. BTW: I
understand FPC was Windows only in the beginning. ;-)

What's wrong with the file names?  And if you tell me it's because it
doesn't have an extension well then... Linux like most other OS's
(excluding Windows) can detect a file type very easily. It doesn't
need to use the ridiculous 3 character extension to tell it what file
type it is or if it may or may not be executable. I see this as a
strength in *nix based OS's, not a weakness. As for the prefixed dot
(.), well that is simple and ellegant. You can create a file or folder
and make it hidden all in one swoop - no need to fiddle with file
attributes. Brilliant. :-)

>> By creating the .gitattributes file in the root of the project and
>> adding it to your project.
> ... and when I forget to add a file to .gitattributes, nothing helps me.
>  Our svn server is configured to prevent adding of files without proper
> mime property settings.

So you had to fiddle with the SubVersion server settings BEFORE things
get handled correctly. What if you forgot?  ;-)

With Git's '.gitattributes' and '.gitignore' files you can let those
"server settings" go with the repository when it's cloned. Just like
SubVersion, you ideal "tweak" settings need to be done before hand and
also only once.

And if there is any more doubts about line ending conversion. Git can
do sanity checks for you and warn about potential conversion issues.
Welcome to the "core.safecrlf" setting....

If core.safecrlf is set to "true" or "warn", git verifies if the
conversion is reversible for the current setting of
core.autocrlf. For "true", git rejects irreversible conversions;
for "warn", git only prints a warning but accepts an
irreversible conversion.

But I do think you have a point. Using standard mime types built into
git (and extendible by repository maintainers via config file) would
be a valuable addition to git. Simply to please that last few folk
that can't decide if they like or hate git. :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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