I agree that the closure of the feedback loop between peeking and poking
(experimentation) is the root of science.  Of course, perhaps that's not
much of a statement _if_ that's the root of everything, as maybe the
autopoiesis guys might claim.

An interesting question is what would the _medium_ look like for a
language-less science?  Can we imagine an alternative reality where some
form video sprouted from cave paintings, through comic strips, to
movies, without written language?

Nicholas Thompson wrote at 04/22/2013 09:41 AM:
> A really interesting exchange.  It feeds into my conversation with my Peirce
> Mentor about science being at its root experimentation and experimentation
> being, at its root, poking the world with a stick.  ("It walks like a duck,
> it quacks like a duck.  Does it squawk like a duck? [poke!] Yes.  It's a
> duck!")  I render this in language, but the whole thing could be done
> without language at all, unless one is one of those people who insists that
> all thought is in language.  

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Broadcast dead revolution don't pay

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