Efectivamente, nos bug en mozilla recóllese a historia do entorto. Se queres 
facer un resumo simplemente lédeo e contádeo. 

On Wednesday 21 May 2008 16:13:07 Frco. Javier Rial wrote:
> Sobre antecedentes aquí tendes estas ligazóns:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=282997
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=288919
> A ligazón importante é a última.. podédesvos fixar nas datas
> dos distintos comentarios e o tempo que pasou entre cada un
> deles
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=368055
> xabier escribiu:
> > Está ben que dende a administración esteades presionando.
> > Máis tamén creo convinte presionar dende as distintas institucións e
> > asociacións.
> > Xa fixeron a portación persoas como Camilo Regueiro, que explicou a
> > experiencia vivida no pasado a través de Galego 21 e Netscape, Xabier
> > Tobio (Cesga) tamén se posicionou (entendo unha posición individual ou
> > como institución).
> > Tamén falaron xente de Trasno, e Paco vai publicar a noticia no Glug.
> >
> > Eu creo que nos falta facer un resume (eu persolamente non teño datos
> > suficientes) que explique o que pasou e presentarllo os GUGL's e a
> > outras aosciacións.
> > Recoller adesións a un texto consensuados e mandarllo a Tristan e aos
> > medios de comunicación.
> >
> > Como podemos artellar este traballo???
> > Comezamos a facer propostas?
> > (será moi esaxerado un wiki???)
> > -Proposta 1: alguén coñece a historia de como se foi creando este bucle?
> > Camilo xa enviou algo. Please, se alguén pode e coñece que mande algo.
> > Compilamono nun único mini texto explicativo.
> > -Propost 2: co mini texto explicativo, envialo á rolda de GUGL's
> > -Proposta 3: recoller adesións das asociacións e persoas implicadas.
> >
> >
> > Entendo que o traballo de Mancomun é importante neste caso, por
> > dispoñibilidade horaria, recursos, etc , máis tamén creo importante a
> > participación da comunidade en xeral (incluido mAncomun claro está) para
> > dar unha visión realista da situación: Mancomun (adminstración)
> > "usamolo" como un recurso que temos ao noso alcance, "pero coidado non
> > te equivoques Tristan, detrás da administración que está levando a voz
> > 'cantante' tamén está a comunidade".
> >
> > Sinto se ao mellor estou sendo un pouco pesado co tema do comunicado,
> > máis insisto na importancia pola nosa propia autoestima.
> >
> >
> > Súdos.
> >
> > O Mér, 21-05-2008 ás 15:38 +0200, suso.baleato en xunta.es escribiu:
> >> Hi Tristan:
> >>
> >> Galician Media press is asking us why Mozilla Foundation is applying a
> >> discriminatory policy against Galician language. We still don't have an
> >> explanation from the Mozilla Foundation or you yourself denying that.
> >>
> >> Also I was asking Genma Lopez -CEO at the Barcelona Digital Foundation
> >> event- and they officially dissociated themselves from your
> >> discriminatory comments on the press. They are trying to contact you in
> >> this moments.
> >>
> >> Galician Government's Press Office is working on a Press Release
> >> regretting the position of the Mozilla Foundation in this issue. Good
> >> news to the privative browsers market, no doubt.
> >>
> >> Honestly, I can't find how your silence on this issue can help to solve
> >> the situation. So again: if this Center can help on having Firefox 3 in
> >> Galician language, just ask.
> >>
> >> Yours,
> >>
> >> ----- Forwarded message from suso.baleato en xunta.es -----
> >>
> >> From: suso.baleato en xunta.es
> >> To: tristan en nitot.com
> >> Cc: g11n en mancomun.org
> >> Subject: Hard comments on the press about Galician translation of
> >> Firefox 3 Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 01:52:09 +0200
> >> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11)
> >>
> >> Hi Tristan:
> >>
> >> I'm writing you as the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia's Free
> >> Software Reference and Services Center, after receiving a bunch of angry
> >> messages  against your hard comments on the support of Galician language
> >> in Firefox 3:
> >>
> >> http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internet/Mozilla/democracia/meritocracia/
> >>elpeputec/20080520elpepunet_4/Tes
> >>
> >> With your comments on the press, you are sugesting that: Galician
> >> localization community does not want/ it is not capable of having
> >> Firefox in galician language. Happily, that is not true. Unfortunately,
> >> people here is feeling like beeing under an attack from the Mozilla
> >> Foundation.
> >>
> >> We have a strong localization community here at Galiza. They were
> >> providing localized software to our own language since 1996 in both a
> >> volunteer and professional way. Since 2005 they even acquired the
> >> support of the Galician Government in their effort, managing to localize
> >> a large variety of projects from entire desktops like GNOME, office
> >> software like OpenOffice.org or more specific software like Typo3 or
> >> OpenBravo. Just as a show of the interest of the galician society, we
> >> registered at Mancomún more than 100.000 downloads and more than 30.000
> >> distributed CD and DVD of free software localized to galician language
> >> in the last year. You can reach some of that software here:
> >>
> >> http://peme.mancomun.org/
> >>
> >> Having Firefox localized to galician language by volunteers will be a
> >> nice thing, but it will not be possible if the Mozilla Foundation
> >> continues putting the blame on the Galician localization community...
> >> when you are rejecting their contributions same time. You might
> >> understand that attacking and damaging people is not a good way to
> >> motivate them, even when working with a so motivated community as the
> >> galician one.
> >>
> >> If this public Center can help to solve that disfunctional situation in
> >> order to have Firefox 3 available in Galician language, simply tell us
> >> and we will try to manage. Anyway: you might consideer that we will not
> >> do anything in the field of Free Software against the will of the
> >> Galician localization community. Attacking them will definitely not
> >> help.
> >>
> >>
> >> Greetings,
> >>
> >> --
> >> Xesús Manuel Benítez Baleato                Coordenador de mancomun.org
> >> Consellaría de Innovación e Industria                  Xunta de Galicia
> >> Praza de Europa, nº 15 - A, 6ºC 15707   Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)
> >> (0034) 638035310 Ext: 343820/ Fax: 881999113  <suso.baleato @ xunta.es>
> >>
> >> ----- End forwarded message -----
> >
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> > G11n en mancomun.org
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