On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 03:37:58PM -0400, michael chang wrote:
> I don't suppose we'd know what most of the existing code is licenced
> under as a whole, would we?  (Ideally, that would seem to be the best
> choice as a licence that we use...)

The main codebase is BSD, however some of the code was lifted from 
glibc, which is under the Lesser GPL. If we were dynamically linking 
this would be fine, but LGPL code can only be compiled directly into 
LGPL or GPL licenced projects. The code is the lib/getopt stuff in the 
main codebase.

libconfuse should be ok, because the library is purely linked in, though 
I'm a little vague on if LGPL allows static linking. This isn't a 
problem for my packages as I dynamically link as much as possible.

The lib/tcp.c file is also LGPL, as is lib/dotconf.c, and some other 
bits of lib/ that were derived from GNet.

There's also some Apache Softwware Licence stuff in there too which if 
not acknowledged in the docs may constitute a licence breach. 
lib/readdir.c is ASL v1.1. APR is ASL v2.0 but again I'm dynamically 
linking that.

libmetrics seems to be a world of pain where licencing is concered. 
There's some explicitly GPL stuff in there, 
srclib/libmetrics/linux/fsusage.c specifically, so libmetrics isn't even 
self-consistant when it comes to licencing and is probably 
undistributable anywhere as it stands.

Ideally every source file would have a copyright statement to define who 
owns the copyright and an explicit licence statement or pointer to a 
readme for the licence, though obviously this isn't always practicable.

Debian are very anal about this stuff to ensure that their distribution
really is free, but it looks to me that as it stands, debian
notwithtanding, there are some major licence issues with the codebase in
it's current form, which may render it actually illegal to compile at
all. Of course IANAL and not even really a software licence expert so I
could be being overcautious, or even have not noticed some more
incompatible source licences in the mix.

|  Stuart Teasdale      | Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics   |
|  System Manager       | University of Oxford                         |
|  "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"      |

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