On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 05:25:47PM -0400, michael chang wrote:
> On 9/13/05, Stu Teasdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The killer is the GPL code linked into libmetrics. AIUI there's no legal
> > way to use GPL code in a BSD licenced project, as there is no allowance
> > in GPL for "derivative works" to have anything other than a GPL licence.
> > 
> > This rather wrecks libmetrics, which is statically linked even in my
> > packages. The only real option is to pull
> > srclib/libmetrics/linux/fsusage.c and fsusage.h or get
> > the original author to relicence it. Given that the original author is
> > listed as the FSF I suspect this is unlikely to be possible :).
> Which means that theoretically linux support is (at least for whatever
> metrics are provided by fsusage.c/h are) impossible without GPLing the
> program.  Oh dear.

fsusage.c is just a wrapper around statfs.  Someone just needs
to sit down and implement device_space directly in terms of statfs
without looking at fsusage.c.  The obvious thing to do would be to start
with the FreeBSD code since (from the Linux statfs manpage):

       The Linux statfs was inspired by the 4.4BSD one (but they do
       not use the same structure)

This should take a competent reader of man pages no more than a day.

> Do we know when Matt will be available to talk about his options?  Or
> is he forced to BSD Ganglia because of some other condition when he
> created the program (or because of e.g. his official job position or
> where it's being used)?

I'd prefer to keep it BSD licensed, but I'm a BSD user. :)  Note that
the FreeBSD code is currently under a four line BSD license and thus
can't be GPL'd.  The third clause can probably be removed since it's all
UCB code and they rescinded that clause a while back.

-- Brooks

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