On 9/13/05, Stu Teasdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The killer is the GPL code linked into libmetrics. AIUI there's no legal
> way to use GPL code in a BSD licenced project, as there is no allowance
> in GPL for "derivative works" to have anything other than a GPL licence.
> This rather wrecks libmetrics, which is statically linked even in my
> packages. The only real option is to pull
> srclib/libmetrics/linux/fsusage.c and fsusage.h or get
> the original author to relicence it. Given that the original author is
> listed as the FSF I suspect this is unlikely to be possible :).

Which means that theoretically linux support is (at least for whatever
metrics are provided by fsusage.c/h are) impossible without GPLing the
program.  Oh dear.

Do we know when Matt will be available to talk about his options?  Or
is he forced to BSD Ganglia because of some other condition when he
created the program (or because of e.g. his official job position or
where it's being used)?

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.

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