On Dec 1, 2011, at 12:55 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:

>>> As it stands, either the NOTICE file is wrong, or the LICENSE file is
> wrong, because the NOTICE file should not mention 3rd party products
> that are not in the LICENSE file.
> Thanks for the feedback! As I have already mentioned, we are tracking a bug
> to fix all non-blocker changes to the NOTICE file for the next release.
> I will include this feedback there.
> Correct me if I understood the long discussions on this list, but I don't
> think this blocks the current release.

My point would be that it's very likely that your LICENSE file is incorrect 
(i.e. it is missing necessary license information).

So far, the only LICENSE file changes that have been made are the explicit 
issues that have been pointed out to you. I think the Kafka community needs to 
review all of their artifacts and make sure that their licenses/notices are 
accurately documented in the LICENSE (and NOTICE). I don't see any evidence 
that the community has attempted to do this.

I think the artifacts that need to be reviewed are:


I took a quick look at some of these artifacts. I definitely see licenses 
missing from the LICENSE file. For example:

paranamer-2.2.jar -- http://paranamer.codehaus.org/info/license.html
sbt-launch.jar -- has 4 license files -- license, licenses/LICENSE_Scala, 
licenses/LICENSE_Apache, licenses/LICENSE_JLine (2 are missing from your 
hadoop -- has a unique license for the org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.* classes.

I don't know how many other problems there areā€¦ I'm sorry, but I don't have 
time to generate this information for you (nor should I need to). This is 
something the Kafka community needs to take on.

Please note that these are just the problems that I noticed. Someone should 
document the licenses (and notice files) for each of your artifacts. Then use 
this information to generate Kafka LICENSE/NOTICE files using this information.

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