On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 8:41 PM, Ross Gardler
<ross.gard...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> The proposed need to announce release votes on the IPMC list is how things 
> were when the incubator was created. The need for IPMC to control the process 
> is another case of the IPMC over-reaching itself and in so doing causing 
> problems by creating a bottleneck in the process.
> It used to be that it was only required to *notify* the IPMC of a release 
> vote underway. Thereby giving interested IPMC members the opportunity to 
> review artifacts and processes during the normal release cycle. IPMC members 
> were expected to cast their votes on the PPMC list where such things belong.

I'd love to see links to that - my digging didn't find it. (see below)

> I'm not sure where this idea that the vote actually occurs on the IPMC list 
> came from but it's flat wrong in my opinion (someone may dig through the 
> archives and find a good reason it was changed, but my feeling is that it 
> changed gradually through edits-on-edits-on-edits of the incubation policy).
> The fact is that the PPMC (with IPMC representation from the mentors) should 
> be in charge of their releases, and pretty much everything else. The IPMC 
> role is one of teaching the PPMC how manage itself. Mentors should do this 
> through mentoring and the IPMC should ensure it is done through an 
> appropriate level of oversight (not an inappropriate amount of control).
> Consider this... The board does not bring TLP release votes to board@, why on 
> earth must the IPMC do so?
> I've half a mind to got back the wayback machine and pull the original 
> incubator polices and propose them as the "new" policies (yes, some changes 
> have been good, but it seems to me that many have not)

So I couldn't find anything in 2003, but 2004 has this page[1] which
included the text:

"Podlings in Incubation SHALL NOT perform any releases of software
without the explicit approval of the Incubator PMC. Such approval
SHALL be given only after the Incubator PMC has followed the process
detailed in (Reference to Charter), and SHALL NOT occur until all
source has been legally transferred to the ASF."


"Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release,
the Podling SHALL formally request the Incubator PMC approve such a
release. The request SHALL have the endorsement of the Mentor."

So it seems that this has been with us for a long while.


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