On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 01:13, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> I'm writing, at the recommendation of Stefano Mazzocchi, in hopes of
> drawing discussion and perhaps later a vote on the creation of a new
> Jakarta subproject based on the POI project (http://poi.sourceforge.net
> & http://sourcefoge.net/projects/poi).
> The POI project consists of an API for reading and writing Microsoft's
> OLE2 Compound Document Format, the format used in Microsoft Office for
> Word and Excel documents, as well as ports of file formats based on
> it.
> Currently the project is composed into the following parts:
> POIFS - the pure java port of OLE 2 Compound Document format and the
> APIs for manipulating it.
> HSSF - the pure java port of Microsoft's Excel 97 File format (BIFF8)
> which is shared by all newer version of Excel as well.
> HSSFSerializer - Cocoon2 Serializer for HSSF.  It uses the same XML tag
> language as Gnumeric. [this will be donated and hosted in Cocoon]
> HSSFGenerator - commencing. [this will be part of Cocoon as well]
> HDF - commencing. A pure java port of Microsoft's Word 97 File Format
> which is shared by newer versions of Word as well.

Sounds like a healthy project and a useful one (especially that HSSF stuff). 
It could fit into jakarta but in reality you need someone who is already an 
active member of the jakarta (or apache) community who is willing to champion 
it. Preferrably someone from the PMC. It may be a good idea to prod Stefano 
and see if he wants the job or perhaps someone else from cocoon.



The phrase "computer literate user" really means the person 
has been hurt so many times that the scar tissue is thick 
enough so he no longer feels the pain. 
   -- Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum 

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