[note: no need to keep me copied since I subscribed]

Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> on 1/3/02 5:31 AM, "Stefano Mazzocchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Exactly, ignoring M$ doesn't make it go away. I would say the opposite:
> > there are tons of companies that base their document systems on M$
> > software and would like to move to a more open world but they simply
> > can't afford loosing the legacy data, so their managers decide to stick
> > with M$ stuff.
> >
> > I would say that an exporting tool would rather do the opposite than
> > encourage people to use M$ software, would encourage much more those who
> > already use it to get away from it.
> Based on the ranking that it is at now, keeping the project at sourceforget
> clearly doesn't hurt it at all. I don't see that as a reason to move it to
> the ASF.
> > I'm not part of the Jakarta PMC (even if I've been) but I am an ASF
> > member, which is even a higher status community-wise.
> > Please, explain why you think my community sponsoring wouldn't be enough
> > as a warranty for your vote.
> You need to be willing to step up and help integrate their project into the
> ASF. In other words, you (or another PMC member) needs to be willing to
> watch over the project. 

I am willing to do that.

> Based on your past history of appearing and
> disappearing (and the fact that you aren't a PMC member anymore), I'm not
> confident that you will stick around long enough to make sure that they
> integrate well and play well. 

I understand and appreciate your concern, but I would like to remind you
that I never left any project without making sure that a community could
stand my absence.

I are fully aware of the fact that I personally bootstrapped JMeter,
Avalon, JAMES (on jakarta.apache.org) and Cocoon, FOP, Batik and XIndice
(on xml.apache.org).

Those times where I could not provide my continuous and active presence,
I made the people know and *never* left the community without a clear
leadership or guidance.

For JMeter, a votation was made to elect the new coordinator and I
remained there for months before leaving. The project has released two
major versions since then.

For JAMES, I passed the hand over to Federico and Serge. Several
software releases and major improvements happened.

For Avalon, Federico first then Berin and Peter. No need to question the
health of this community. Federico earned the ASF membership for those

For Cocoon, Giacomo, then Carsten. Giacomo earned the ASF membership for
that. Again, no need to question the health of the community.

For FOP, Arved. Arved earned the ASF membership for that. Same thing for
the community status.

For Batik, there isn't one project coordinator, but the community is
very successful as it's reaching full compatibility with W3C

For XIndice, I'm still the sponsoring member and no plans to leave until
the software goes in the direction I would like it to see it going.

> What happens to their project when you decide
> you don't feel like keeping an eye on them anymore?

100% of the communities I bootstrapped under ASF are still alive and
healthy. Several individuals on these communities earned ASF membership.
They count several thousands of users and developers.

What I'm stating here, in case it's not clear, is my intention to help
the POI codebase to generate a community around the needs to
import/export data from M$ binary formats that I consider very important
legacy data in many situations.

I won't leave the community until it is solid enough to withstand my
absence, should it take 2 months or 2 years.

I hope my present commitment and my past results clear up any doubts on
my sponsoring of this code donation.

Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
                          able to give birth to a dancing star.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche

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