excerpted below, on  Fri, 13 Jun 2008 00:42:34 +0000:

> Umm... pardon me for speaking my mind a bit here, and nothing personal,
> particularly since I have the utmost respect for the talent and skills
> of the people involved, but after seeing a pattern repeated over the
> last couple days I've seen time and time before, it's getting tiresome
> enough to write up!

> What if the "filed a bug yet" attitude held on both sides, or even if
> one side simply refused to play that begging dog or tricking pony the
> other side expects them to be?  It simply cannot go on that way forever.
> Something's going to give, now, or later, when there's ultimately no
> more Gentoo to pull apart and therefore no more Gentoo PMs or PMS to
> continue fighting over.

OK, blame the continued posting on lack of sleep if you'd like, but it's 
an honestly held opinion.  What makes it worse is that the people 
involved are, honestly, very skilled.  Were it not so, were they say, 
more like me (heh), it'd be easy enough to simply ignore them.  However, 
they can be very helpful when they want to be, it's a big loss, and it's 
only this sick idea of entertainment, forcing humans to the humiliation 
of basically doing tricks like animals for a bit of what after all is 
claimed to be so simple information but that others can't seem to see, 
that's the problem.  The trouble is, the info, once the performance has 
been deemed to have gone on long enough, is so often right...

Still, ultimately, there are better ways to get it.  If one person won't 
provide it without someone stooping to his low idea of entertainment, 
well, either time will provide, or perhaps it was a not-so-critical 
corner case after all.

If we could only treat each other as humans instead of trained circus 
animals, something I'm still endeavoring to do, even in all this, thus 
pointing out the virtues and a very good reason for respect, as well.
No, the information doesn't /have/ to be provided as has been well 
demonstrated, but it sure hopes when we're all at least ideally targeting 
a similar goal, if we cooperate in going that direction, instead of 
fighting over it.

Poisonous people indeed... I was skeptical at first, but the 
demonstration has continued until I'm beginning to come, ever so 
regretfully, to the same conclusion.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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