On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Ciaran McCreesh
>> I _honestly_ do not understand why there is so much trouble in simple
>> cooperation amongst adults.
> I agree entirely. Why the pkgcore people refuse to do basic automated
> tests is completely beyond me.

This seems to be more of the kind of baiting that you use to cause
threads to spiral into irrelevant bickering that more than enough
people on this list are sick of having their mailboxes flooded with.
So I'm out of this thread until there is a reasonable discussion

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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