On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 6:43 AM, David Leverton
> 2008/6/13 Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> In this instance, it's the "pulling teeth" to get info on a claimed known
>> bug from PMS folks on pkgcore, while at the same time, complaints about
>> the non-clarity of PMS is met with remarks (by the same group of people)
>> of (paraphrased) "filed a patch yet?"
> In the case of the pkgcore bug, there was an objective statement of
> the fact that a bug existed, including simple instructions for
> reproducing it (which were dismissed by a certain person claiming he
> had already done so and found no bug  - clearly a lie).  In the case

There's a bug is an objective statement, I agree. Write some tests and
figure it out for yourself is simply malice (yes, I realise it was you
who provided the failing ebuild, and that is appreciated).

And why do you have to be plain insulting about it? Nobody can
magically spot every single bug in any piece of code presented to
them. In fact it's why the "given enough eyes ..." adage is one of the
bases of open source development.

I _honestly_ do not understand why there is so much trouble in simple
cooperation amongst adults.

Arun Raghavan
e6+9i4b8/9HTAen4+5g4/8APa2Xs8r1/2p5-8 hackerkey.com
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