Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:30:54 +0530
"Arun Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And why do you have to be plain insulting about it? Nobody can
magically spot every single bug in any piece of code presented to
them. In fact it's why the "given enough eyes ..." adage is one of the
bases of open source development.

Which is why any responsible person ensures good test coverage.
Just to pour some oil on the flames -

Y'all are aware that paludis can't parse a valid make.conf and does ignore package.keywords at times, yes?

Test case is:

FEATURES="strict" # test and stricter fail

in make.conf ... if you had the tests you claim others lack that would have been fixed a long time ago.
So please stop trolling when you fail so badly at it.
I _honestly_ do not understand why there is so much trouble in simple
cooperation amongst adults.

I agree entirely. Why the pkgcore people refuse to do basic automated
tests is completely beyond me.
Mirror, mirror on the wall.

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