On 11.02.2017 10:39, Dale wrote:
> Mick wrote:
>> This is how I have configured per package FEATURES here and it seems to 
>> work.  
>> For example configuring ccache for large packages which take days to emerge 
>> on 
>> an old PC:
>> # cat /etc/portage/env/ccache.conf 
>> FEATURES="ccache"
>> Now I need to point particular package(s) to it:
>> # cat /etc/portage/package.env 
>> app-office/libreoffice ccache.conf
>> www-client/firefox ccache.conf
>> www-client/chromium ram_limit.conf ccache.conf
>> If I want more packages to use ccache.conf I add their name/version in the  
>> /etc/portage/package.env file.
> I just tried copying your way, except for the setting I want, and it
> didn't work.  I'm wondering if it just won't do this particular setting
> for some reason. 
> I've tried having package.env as a file and as a directory.  It didn't
> like either way.  Either it can't do this or I'm missing something
> really simple here. 
> Thanks. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

I think the problem is that you can change FEATURES but not emerge
arguments while emerging since ebuild(1) is invoked fore every package
but emerge(1) once for all.

So I see two possible solutions here:

1. Dump the list of packages to install via emerge -p. Then split the
list up and chain
   emerge invocations (possibly with arg --nodeps) such that the
   packages will be invoked separately.
2. Use emerge options -j and --load-average so that no new ebuilds are
   while one uses much cpu load. In my experience this does not
   reliably but I am trying out to use higher job  and load limits in
   than in emerge args so single packages that can utilize the whole cpu
do so before
   emerge intervenes and starts another ebuild.

I hope this helps


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