jakommo writes:

> On 11/16/06, geistteufel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > If you have opt in your / I suggest to move it and doing a symlink
> >
> > like cd /; mv opt usr; ln -s usr/opt .
> For now I think maybe its better to make some new partitions and copy the
> stuff to them by using a live cd and then adjust fstab and/or make
> symlinks. the problem is the maschine is a server and I dont want it to
> be down for a long time, its only used for cups at the moment, but I
> think its more secure to quit the idea of resizing and do it the mount
> and symlink way. another benefit of this way is I can prepare everything
> so I only need to reboot with a live cd to copy the files and thats it.

I don't think there is a neeed to boot from CD for that. Just copy /usr (or 
whatever directory you like) to its new destination, rename /usr and create 
the symlink instantly after that:

cp -pr /usr /newdrive/
mv /usr /usr.old && /usr.old/bin/ln -s /newdrive/usr /

This makes /usr unavailable for a fraction of seconds only. Programs 
currently using files in /usr should not be affected, when the files are 
still open it should not matter if they are renamed as long as they stay on 
the same partition.

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