Alexander Skwar wrote:
> < snip >
> The advantage of EVMS over LVM in this case would be, that he
> wouldn't have to reformat/repartition and would still be able
> to resize the partition/filesystem, wouldn't he?
>  < snip >
> Yes, with reiserfs, this can be done. But also with every other
> "normal" filesystem besides ext2.
> Alexander Skwar

Somewhat on topic here.  How hard is it to do this with no previous
knowledge of how it works?  I am constantly running into the same thing
the OP is and having to move things around.  Currently I have two 80GB
drives.  Here is my partition scheme at the moment:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # mount
> /dev/hda6 on / type reiserfs (rw)
> /dev/hda1 on /boot type reiserfs (rw,noatime,notail)
> /dev/hda7 on /home type reiserfs (rw)
> /dev/hda8 on /usr type reiserfs (rw)
> /dev/hda9 on /usr/portage type reiserfs (rw)
> /dev/hda10 on /data type reiserfs (rw)
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda6              9765136   1896004   7869132  20% /
> /dev/hda1               146612     45880    100732  32% /boot
> /dev/hda7              9765136   1236144   8528992  13% /home
> /dev/hda8              9765136   4269660   5495476  44% /usr
> /dev/hda9              5859272   3052004   2807268  53% /usr/portage
> /dev/hda10            43762436  10667796  33094640  25% /data

Just looking to get a better grasp on this since it sounds like
something I need to try.



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