Le 01/09/2011 22:32, MoYo a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are working on templates for tickets in order to set mandatories,
> hidden and predefined fields.
> We have two choices to implement that :
> - Permit to choose a template on ticket creation.

- Will the category be, then, limited to a sub-tree, according to the
template configuration ?
(I really think, a link should exists between templates and categories)

- are template organized as a tree ?
(this seems required if the template is chosen in the first step)

If both are yes, this proposal seems ok.

> - Link templates to ticket's categories. Selecting a category will load
> the template.

In the second proposal, how will be choose the template ?

- could a template be assigned to a sub-tree (this will probably answer
to Trey question) ? (only search in parent if nothing found for child ?)

- could a user select a template, if > 1 assigned to the selected category ?

If both answer are "yes", the second proposal seems the more flexible one.


> What do you think about these 2 options ?
> Regards
> Julien
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