On Saturday 10 Nov 2012, Mike Dwerryhouse wrote:
> On Friday 09 November 2012 20:52:54 Dr A. J. Trickett wrote:
> > our TV is still ye olde CRT.
> I though I was the last person in the country to go digital

Actually we almost never used the TV in analogue mode at all. We use to live 
in the valley floor and the analogue TV reception was terrible, so only a few 
months after buying the TV we got a Sony digital tuner and have been digital 
ever since. We were probably one of the first people in the village to go 

> Although I bought a digital TV several months ago, I still have a 28"
> widescreen CRT TV waiting for me to take it to the council dump - it
> weighs 48kg

As we have had a perfectly good digital/CRT combination for years I've not had 
any impulse to replace it with a flat screen TV. Until very recently I think 
they still had analogue tuning circuits in them and it's still common to find 
them without HD DVB tuner/decoders!

While I'm not interested in 3D TV, I think I'll eventually buy a HD TV, I 
don't want one much bigger than our current 71 cm (~28"), but it would be nice 
to have something a bit thinner so we can save some space. Then all we have to 
do is freecycle/dump the old TV...!

Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK

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