On the 0x206 day of Apache Harmony Mikhail Fursov wrote:
> On 18 Oct 2006 11:31:09 +0700, Egor Pasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I think 2 more optimizations should find themselves in the list as
> > separate items, because they are easily formulated and are a good
> > chance for performance gains that Jitrino.OPT can offer:
> > + "Type Value Profiling" in Jitrino.OPT - Implement profiling the most
> >   probable caller's type for virtual and interface calls. Integrate
> >   with Jitrino high-level devirtualizer and the "interface call
> >   devirtualization" item.
> I understand "interface devirt with value profiler" item from Rana's list as
> the same task.

I separeted them just to state them clearly. One task is a value
profiler. Another is interface devirt. They are best when they
coexist, but they can work without each other (hypothetically). There
is also "virtual call devirt" that I mentioned. Value profiler should
be useful here too.

> + "Loop versioning" optimization in Jitrino.OPT - Implement versioning
> >   of hot loops to allow as little exceptions (especially bounds
> >   checks) as possible in these loops. Integrate with "ABCD
> >   improvements" item.
> Yes, our (Jitrino.OPT) loop optimizations are in a bad state today :)

+1 =) especially because Java is not the best for loop optimizations
(sorry if offending:)

> BTW the page I've created recently (
> http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/JIT_Tasks_For_Beginners ) could be removed
> and all the tasks listed there are added to the new page.

+1, I'll make the new page and copy-paste Rana's collection there
spiced with my additionals .. if we all agree

> Another proposal: mark every item with a level of expertise required for a
> volunteer: Novice, Advanced, Expert
> This will help both to novice and expert users: Novice will know if the task
> is rather easy. An expert will have a hint that the task worth to be
> discussed about side effects more carefully...

Let's mark in 2 categories: "Novice" and "Advanced". Otherwise it
sounds like "you should prove that you are an expert, only then you
can take the task", which I do not want to stress on.

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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