> >Sorry to confuse.  I was suggesting a rule that says, as a class G
> >you could target
> >- SEND (a la class C)
> >- FORCE (with a new class G version)
> >
> >to any user to whom you are authorized for LOGON BY.  Thinking
> if
> >you did not have LOGON BY, but did have XAUTOLOG authority, would it
> ok
> >to implicitly grant FORCE and SIGNAL SHUTDOWN?

Not a good assumption. I think I'd argue that you should provide a way
to individually control each command and ship that with CP. Long term,
that's the better solution, and there's a load of stuff that you're
dual-pathing now for people that do and don't have an ESM. 

Much as I dislike RACF, you'd be better off spending the effort to
bundle RACF with CP and moving all the command authentication stuff to
RACF profiles. You'd solve a lot of other problems in the process, and
let sites determine this behavior more granularly than command classes
permit today. It would also be a better technology argument vs VMWare
and the other Intel virtualization solutions -- they're going to have to
invent something very much like RACF in the near future, and you can
beat them to the punch. 

Then you can start on command operand authorization...8-)

-- db

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