This is just what I would say (except for VM:Secure
rather than RACF).


> I want to wind back a bit on this one:-
> We do use RACF as an ESM and we do use LOGONBY (controlled by RACF 
> profiles) extensively.
> I understand that any user with LOGONBY authority can log on and give any 
> of the commands mentioned but we would be extremely unhappy about these 
> users being able to give those commands on behalf of that user without 
> logging on. This should not be the assumption and, if it becomes so, then 
> there should be an easy way to revert to the current status :- 
> There are 2 issues here :-
> 1.      Visibility
>         Searching RACF audit record is no substitute for seeing the 
> commands entered on the console of the user.
> 2.      Serialisation
>         Insisting the user logs on (LOGONBY) ensures that they (and only 
> they) have control of that user at that time.\
> I would be OK with the ability to enable the behaviour suggested but I 
> would be very unhappy for it to be the default that we had to find a 
> workaround for. 
> Colin G Allinson
> Technical Manager VM
> Amadeus Data Processing GmbH
> T +49 (0) 8122-43 49 75
> F +49 (0) 8122-43 32 60
Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM System Programmer           .
Israel Police National HQ.     
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308

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