> Bundle RACF??? That might be a blow to the users of VM:Secure and
> ESMs.

Is it? Let's think about that: 

1) The major difference between RACF and the alternatives is that all of
the alternatives are easier to use, administer, operate and understand.
How does bundling RACF change that? 

2) Installing RACF or any of the alternatives involves a CP mod.
Removing RACF and installing an alternative isn't any more complicated
than removing the dummy RPI modules and replacing them with your chosen

3) How many of the alternatives are getting more than life-support style
maintenance? CA doesn't promote VM:Secure any longer (not the
"strategic" solution), and ACF2/VM isn't exactly healthy either.  What
else is left?

4) RACF (with all it's grotesque hideousness) shares (or can share)
development costs with the z/OS version. Is it really worth asking IBM
to duplicate that effort in CP just to get ESM functionality, or invent
something else (implying all the development, testing, documentation and
support) when it's a question of figuring out how to license something
that already exists?

5) There are a fair number of places where CP and CMS command logging
and authorization is inconsistent or REALLY hard to understand (take SFS
auth for starters), and a lot of effort is performed to kludge around
the absence of an ESM. Even a horrible ESM like RACF is better than no
ESM. Why can't we kick up the base level a notch, if there's a fairly
easy way to do it? 

It just strikes me as a waste of effort to keep kludging around with the
base CP security model and inventing half a dozen different ways to do
command authorization and logging if we can do it by asking IBM to step
up the base model with something that doesn't require them to do (and
maintain) new development. 

-- db

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