On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 16:38 +0530, Anupam Jain wrote:
> On 2/8/07, Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 00:30 +0530, Anupam Jain wrote:
> > > I liked ILUGD better when it wasn't committee-ised and decisions were
> > > not taken by individuals for the whole LUG. The freedom to fork is
> > > good but not the decision to do so on the slightest of provocation.
> > > It's not prudent to fragment the community like this.

> Now I have been totally misunderstood it seems.

How so? Please re-read your above statement, specifically the part about
"...decisions were not taken by individuals for the whole LUG." That is
a claim of fact, and not an expression of opinion. I see little room for
misunderstanding, but maybe my comprehension of English is inadequate.
If you cannot bother to stand by what you publicly declare, I see no 
point in continuing this discussion.

>                                                   I never said anyone
> was pressurized not to go.

That was only part of my quibble with what you said. Please do not
try to weasel out of replying to the main thrust of my comment.

>                Just that for me ILUGD has been primarily
> this mailing list and I did not see a very public discussion on the
> mailing list before everything was done and over.

When was discussion on the mailing list ever a requirement? As a
legally constituted body, the only thing that has any standing is
a vote in meetings, unless the rules are changed to accommodate what
you suggest. By all means, public discussion on the mailing list is
a good goal, but people do not always have the time to ensure this.
Please come to a meeting, vote for such a change in voting rules,
and work to make it happen. That would be welcome, while pontificating
on the list is less so.

>                                                  The "committee"
> related decisions of ILUGD have been mostly off the list.

And you know this how, exactly? Clairvoyance?

>                                                        I don't care
> usually except that in this case I think the decision was very wrong,
> something that would not have been so casually taken had there been a
> real free-for-all discussion on the same. My ILUGD boycotting a Linux
> event! Really! MS or no MS, that's a bit much.

I will repeat it once more as you seemed determined to ignore this. The
reasons for not participating in LA2007 were discussed at the meeting,
passed by a voice vote, and the same was communicated to this list.
Microsoft participation had absolutely nothing to do with it, as we
were not aware of that at the time. You have yet to address the reason
that ILUG-D chose not to participate.
> Please don't take it personally, I'm not saying I could have taken a
> better decision. I'm saying *we* all could have.

If you are serious about this "*we*", and about "My ILUGD" you should
be participating in ILUG-D meetings. Else, it is all just hot air.


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