On 6 October 2012 06:09, Balwinder S Dheeman <bdhee...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I reside at Chandigarh and work from home as a freelance consultant;
> visiting New Delhi (NCR), Amritsar and rest of the major cities of Punjab
> and Haryana, parts of Himachal, Utrakhand and even Jammu is possible.

OK, then maybe it is best if you try to work something out with
Sanjay. Please keep us informed, and maybe there are others
that can help out.

 Sure, I shall/can soon create a page related to free training sessions for
> the local trainers, hardware assemblers, integrators and, or vendors on
> deployment (installation, administration, tips and tricks) and road-shows
> for the general public on the use and benefits of Linux/Unix and Free/Libre
> Open Source Software.


> How about charging a reasonable registration fee from the attendees to
> cover up the expenses or get these events sponsored by local associations?

We, as in ILUG-Delhi, have not charged for attendance in the past,
but do ask local associations to cover any costs incurred for travel,
food, and lodging. Personally, I see no reason why we cannot
charge attendees.

One possible model might be to have a broad training session
that is free of cost, with incidental expenses covered by a local
association. Local associations, and attendees, can then discuss
with the trainers on an individual basis regarding more intensive,
focused sessions.

> Sanjay Gupta, Please comment.

In this specific case, Sanjay has already said that he is ready
to do this on a commercial basis. You, and anyone else
willing, can take this up further with him.

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