On 10/13/2012 07:50 AM, satyaakam goswami wrote:
> I have created a page for this project
> http://wiki.linux-delhi.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/ILUGD/ActaTrainings
> anyone interested can edit the page accordingly. 

I learned that the JCTA and ACTA organized some training sessions in the
recent past; there's no mention of it on the above said page -- how
successful these workshops were and, or who delivered these trainings?

Were these training workshops video graphed? If yes, where these posted
to http://youtube.com/; If yes again, where can one find these?

IMHO, these kinds of sessions and, or videos can be useful for others
and valuable for the FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) movement in
general and the community in particular.

Seems, someone might have hijacked the agenda to make hay while the sun
shines ;)

Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman

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