On 6 October 2012 10:22, satyaakam goswami <satyaa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> How about charging a reasonable registration fee from the attendees to
> >> cover up the expenses or get these events sponsored by local
> associations?
> >>
> >
> > We, as in ILUG-Delhi, have not charged for attendance in the past,
> > but do ask local associations to cover any costs incurred for travel,
> > food, and lodging. Personally, I see no reason why we cannot
> > charge attendees.
> +1 , ILUG-Delhi as a society why not,  we can build some corpus amount
> with the extras and spend it on more events.

We had discussions on this in the past, and I remember
now why we had decided not to do this. While it would
defray expenses, bring money into the ILUG-Delhi kitty,
and maybe allow us to pay trainers, the main objection
to this was that the LUG should not be setting itself up
in commercial competition to local startups providing
Linux support. Besides, there are significant managerial
headaches for such a setup.

> > One possible model might be to have a broad training session
> > that is free of cost, with incidental expenses covered by a local
> > association. Local associations, and attendees, can then discuss
> > with the trainers on an individual basis regarding more intensive,
> > focused sessions.
> This is one model which has not worked in the past as we know there is
> no follow up with any of the colleges and institutions , may be as an
> active society these kinds of items can be take up proactively ,
> something like a quarterly news letter to all the colleges and
> associations in and around NCR.

Yeah, in the case of no follow up, the free of cost session,
where expenses are covered but time is volunteered, will
be the only one.

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