Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
>> Stas - we don't even know what they're planning to put into CVS. Just 
> And waiting couple of days for the explanation is of course not an option.


This is a dangerous approach Stas, the "shoot first, explain later"
approach is a closed-source model.  Fortunately, the bullet can be put
back into the gun by removing the CVSROOT unavail until there is at the
very least a notification email.  A few days extra before committing
can't hurt unless we have a serious problem in PHP development.  As
president of PEAR, I'd like to let you know that I am following this
debate extremely closely to see how things progress and more to the
point - how it is resolved.  I'm sure that in the future a similar
question will come up for us should a CLA be adopted in PHP core for a
major component.


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